The legal system of the Alizthea continent is divided into two main branches:
The Civil Branch: which is in charge of crimes pertinent to non-essence user civilians. This one differs from country to country and follows the rules dictated by the local government to deal from minor to larger offenses.
The Regulatory Council of Alizthea (RCAE) Branch: this branch of the justice system focuses on dealing with cases of essence users that have infringed upon the laws from the lowest to the highest of crimes. If the accused is a registered (or non-registered) essence user his case will be transferred from the civilian to the RCAE justice branch. This system is more centralized and follows similar rules no matter which country the accused is located in.
The council has become strong enough on the continent to be able to protect itself from local government powers and has established itself as a monolith in every civilized nation on the continent of Alizthea. The council is the one who chooses all of it's members from the lowest of clerks to the judges dictating sentences. The idea behind this was so that there is no external influences of the verdicts reach int he court and they could be isolated from the politics of each country.
The RCAE system controls all the information that passes through it system and does not allow any of it to be released to the outside, this comes from it's root as an organization that had to deal with dangerous individuals in it's inception. At the moment no one knows how many cases are going through the RCAE branch or how many prisoner populates it's prisons.
The reasoning for the two separate systems dates back to more than 200 hundred years ago, when essence users had more power than the local governments and believed to be above the country's laws since they could not be applied to them. Essence users had amassed so much power that the Alizthea Accords were almost consider a relic of the past since no one could implement them, even the RCAE which was designed for this could not penalize Essence Users for breaking the accords due to not only their essence powers, but also their political reach.
After a way to supress essence users appeared in the form of Arcanium it only took a decade for the RCAE to transform from a a relic in the past to an entity with real political power in almost every country.
We can confirm that the RCAE power play began when they were able to apprehend, prosecute and punish Ekaterina Grenie also known as the "The Green Witch" on 310 A. A.
2024-02-27 18:23:26 +0000