I've been kicking around the idea of adding a blind character for a while now. I recently started replaying Nier again and you know how that goes. I was going to use 2B, but honestly, I didn't care for the results I was getting. You know how that goes. You don't need NAI to know. Love her to death but that wasn't it. So tonight I decided to throw a quick and simple prompt together, and I very much like the results.
Here we have Irena Dvornik. She doesn't have a reference. She's just a simple girl with long brown hair. Her name comes directly from Ace Combat 6. Irena Dvornik is the Rafale Ace, Vega, over Silvat. I chose this name for a very specific reason, besides the meaning behind it. I don't have anywhere near enough room to fully explain the situation with Estovakia. Cutting it down to the brassiest of tacks. Estovakia is run by their military in the Early Game. It isn't a military state or dictatorship or anything bad. Pretty much the entire previous democratically elected government was well... Executed. For some VERY serious crimes. The military command took over to keep things peaceful and are doing their best to make sure the nation runs as properly as possible.
After an event in the Early Game Estovakia will reorganize back into a republic. Gustav Dvornik, one of the Generals leading the country beneath the military, is elected as Chancellor. I wrote that in like 2 years ago. He's a great guy who cares for his people and nation dearly. Gustav is also taken directly from AC6. He was a General there too, but you shoot him down in the last mission of the game. Anyway. Just like in game, Dvornik has a daughter. Irena.
Sometime in the game. I'm thinking Mid Game so she has some time to bloom, I'm going to introduce Irena. They will recognize her last name and that'll probably lead to some fun. What they'll notice most, is her blindfold. Irena is blind, like I said earlier. I don't have any lore for that yet. Even though she's blind, she carries herself like any other person would. She walks around, talks to people, and does everything normally.
Irena has a few things going for her. Firstly, she's learned to use a potent type of Detection Magic almost unconsciously, which she uses to maintain an aura around her. This helps her understand where things are when they cross into range. Kind of like Active Sonar. She also has a special crystal which works the same as a Message crystal, but instead of allowing telepathy, it sends visual outlines into her head. Kind of like the Visor from Halo ODST or the US Army's prototype ENVG-B. She can't see things in incredible detail or color, but she can see the general shape of a person and their more prominent features.
Ran out of room quick. Irena has a strong Greek origin and is a name that revolves around harmony. Dvornik is Russian, and tends to refer to a form of caretaker. A Peaceful Caretaker fits Irena's gentle demeanor and lovely spirit perfectly. Enjoy a first look at Irena. I will do more.
2024-02-27 10:18:02 +0000