○○ 「人気者のお前の為に学校の廃材置き場から机を作ったぜ、これでお前もわがクラスの一員だ!」
茶猫 「こんな事しなくても何時も教室の隅とかでいいだろう?」
○○ 「お前に良くしてやれば、△△も俺に振り向いてくれるじゃん?『将を射んとする者はまず猫を射よ』だよ?」
茶猫 「猫じゃなく『馬』な!」
○○ 「流石、机についたら冴えた答え。俺が作った机のお陰だな!」
茶猫 「お前は本当におめでたい奴だな」
Brown cat and cat desk
○○ "I made a desk from the school's scrap yard for you, you're so popular, now you're part of my class!
Brown cat "You don't have to do this, can't you always just sit in the corner of the classroom?"
○○ "If I'm good to you, △△ will turn to me, right? You know, "He who wishes to shoot the general must first shoot the cat."
Brown cat: "It's not a cat, it's a horse!"
○○ "Your answer was brilliant when you got to the desk. Thanks to the desk I built for you!
Brown cat - "You really are a lucky guy, aren't you?"
2024-02-03 12:40:58 +0000