Anime/Game: Kamichama Karin/Zone Of The Enders 2
Character: Karin Hanazono (Jehuty Idol)
Made by: Roy Entendez
Paint dot net of the Lyrical Nanoha iteration of Karin Hanazono as Jehuty Idol and the main protagonist and Goddess of Kamichama Karin and Kamichama Karin Chu. She's is the future wife of Kazune Kujyou and the mother of Suzune Kujyou, however in Kamichama Karin ZoE, during the BAHRAM communist invasion, Karin becomes as the bearer of the Jehuty as she became Jehuty Idol along with Kazune to protect the people as they gain freedom and fight against the BAHRAM communist as Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner.
2024-02-02 12:01:36 +0000