Game on!

Darth Starsky

Star Guardian Legacy as action 2D co-op game. Now in pixel! Just concept art, but no actual game since I cannot coding

Minor fixbut i have no pixiv premium

Character Skill

Melee: Starlight slash enemy with dual wield Lasersabre. Can attack 2 times at once.
Range: Starlight throw Lasersabre maximum two at once before draw back with telekinesis.
Skill 1: This character can deflect all projectile. Even Kinetic, Lasers or anything else.
Skikl 2: This character can activate healing for allies in radius.
Skill 3: This character can activate telekinetic barrier for ally
Skill 4; This character can triple jump and gliding.

Melee: Amu smash the enemies. Deal AOE damage
Range: Amu shock the enemy with arc pulse. Short range with stun chance.
Skill 1: This character is masochist. Deal more damage at low health.
Skill 2: This character can activate tempolary damage buff to herself.
Skill 3: This character can actiavte tempolary shield to herself
Skill 4: This character can triple jump and gliding

Melee: Vaderbrine heavily attack the enemy with Board Lasersabre. Cause knockback
Range: Vaderbrine shoot light damage laser with automatic bow. Auto lock the enemy.
Skill 1: This character influence fear into the enemies. Decrease their damage.
Skill 2: This character can choke enemies. Stunt enemies in fromt of him and do combo damage.
Skill 3: This character can activate tempolary shield to himself
Skill 4: This character can resurruct himself with half a health. Very long cooldown.

Melee: Flare slash the enemy with her razor sharp wing. Cause bloody damage and debuff.
Range: Flare charge and fire the Radioactive burst. Cause debuff
Skill 1: This character can inflict radioactive debuff. Cease healing.
Skill 2: This character can inflict bio-hazard debuff. Cause continuous damage.
Skill 3: This character regenerate her health 3 times faster.
Skill 4: This characer is a parasite vampire. Had a chance to stunt when deal critical damage. And have a rare chance to gain revive buff, which removed after death and revived.
(This character has low healthpool)


2024-01-12 07:38:20 +0000