Fuyu is a High Elf introduced in the Late Game Opener where the players get to visit Aurelia for the first time. She appears beside Queen Nirai and is her personal Guard. Her name and insanely cute voice that completely contradicts her appearance aren't revealed until halfway through the Belkan War event, not too long after the Opener. Carrying on from her concept post we can go into a few of her details a bit more.
Fuyu is a full fledged Shadow on par with Scin and Hrim. The Faxis have a massive amount of experience in the field comparatively though. Realistically Fuyu is a little bit behind them, but she spends almost every waking moment outside her Guard duties studying and practicing her skills. She's about the last person on the planet you want to fight next to the Faxis. Her role as Nirai's Guard is her life.
This makes a lot more sense when at a celebration at Fort Lupa following the Belkan War, Fuyu lets everyone know the Queen adopted her when she was 7. She became Nirai's Guard when she turned 25. She became the Leader of the Royal Guard when she turned 32, making the youngest to hold the position in Aurelian history. It's customary for a high ranking official's spouse to handle guard duties in Aurelia. Who better to guard their life after all. There's a few more reasons too but that's not what we're talking about. Since Nirai doesn't have a spouse, Fuyu worked her ass off so she could competently take the job of guarding the most important person in Aurelia.
Fuyu has a sister. "Soulless" Ashen. The boogieman hiding under the streets of Griswall. She has her own post but their relationship is relevant. Aurelia has a 1 child policy. In the case of multiple births one of the children is placed in the care of a Guardian or placed in a new family who haven't had theirs yet. In this case, Fuyu and Ashen's parents died in an accident. Queen Nirai ended up adopting both of them, making an exception to the rule due to her position. Ashen went her own way and is pretty distant from Nirai now. She doesn't speak to Fuyu more than once or twice a year. They're related in blood and not much else.
Fuyu becomes a driving force pushing Nirai to try and enter a relationship with Olmstead in the Late Game. He's surprisingly a very good match for her. While he's most definitely a trouble maker to put it nicely and loves screwing with his friends, he understands how to differentiate the fun times from the serious times. He doesn't hold back on his antics around Nirai, but she finds it endearing that he's so informal and unfiltered around her. He makes her feel like a normal person, not the Queen of Aurelia. It works out great because Fuyu and Olmstead become Sword Buddies in the Late Game. They both have strikingly similar swords, just different colors. It's a cute little bond they share.
Fuyu is based off Crimson Abyss Lucia from PGR. Her name is the general term for Winter in Japanese per Google. She's named for her hair and delicate voice. Enjoy.
2024-01-04 09:56:05 +0000