神谷 X 剣心 - 🎊 (謹賀新年 2024) 🎊

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Happy New Year everyone 😀
I drew a very long illustration today. And this time, for now, it's fan art of Kenshin and Kaoru from Rurouni Kenshin.

I liked the design the first time I saw it on Twitter, so I think it's very nice.
I'm enjoying the new Ruroken anime. It's really great and brings back some nostalgia from the original version from the 90's. I like that the animation looks great by digital standards. Even in the episodes, every scene follows the manga correctly and is the way I've wanted it ever since I read the manga. The good thing about this new anime reboot is that there are no real filler episodes or mixed fillers like the 90 anime version, but I'm so glad it worked out.

This anime Ruroken is the best ever, I'm looking forward to season 2 ^_^x

皆様、明けましておめでとうございます :}







#rurouni kenshin#るろ剣#るろ剣100users入り#Kamiya Kaoru#himura kenshin#剣薫#happy New Year#Happy New Year 2024#Japanese umbrella

2024-01-03 02:48:18 +0000