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秘奥義・Level 1 illust/114713350

秘奥義・Level 2








Homage/Parody of the 「Tales of」 series Mystic Arte cut-ins

Sheela (Black Hair・Green Eyes) - Formerly a hand for hire working in the downtown district of the royal capital city, Sheela didn't have any aspirations or goals in life until she met Kirara. Since leaving on this journey, she's been able to learn a lot - both skills and about herself, and she's surprisingly diligent.
「Your luck's run out! Nyx Rotation!」

Tsukumo (White Hair・Yellow Eyes) - An accomplished necromancer. It hasn't been that long since she's transferred her soul into this new body. How many lifetimes has she walked?
「With the erasure of your soul, any hope of revival, resurrection, reincarnation become moot. Farewell. Zero」

Akari (Red Hair・Blue Eyes) - A girl with a closed heart that she keeps well guarded. Akari is a mage apprentice that always seems to be a bit on edge. She's treated like the youngest sister within the group.
「Releasing Lock #2! Magic connections stable! Forgive me for borrowing the royal power! Emperor! 」

Kirara (Pink Hair・Pink Eyes) - The body double of the 2nd princess of the royal family. Since quite an early age, given her visual similarity with the princess, Kirara has been raised to be a body double.
「I've finally found you! From now on, we'll always be together! Gemini 」

Becky (Blonde Hair・Red Eyes) - A brave werewolf girl that fights with fangs and her sharp claws.
「Can't you hear it? The Moon is calling for you. Blood Moon!」

AI-Generated #StableDiffusion#girl#woman#young girl#beautiful girl#秘奥義#秘奥義パロ#cut-in

2023-12-31 04:28:06 +0000