○○ 「喜べ、火星へ栄転。おれも一国一城の主!支店長じゃ!」
三毛猫 「ほう、聖都に務めるのね、凄いね!」
○○ 「いや、数百里離れた第14区画の開発じゃ!」
三毛猫 「お前、分かってると思うけど飛ばされたんだよ。ソ連でいうシベリア送り」
○○ 「ほら、住めば都っていうじゃない?」
三毛猫 「都になるのか?都落ちだけに?」
Tortoiseshell Cat Galaxy Part 2
○○ "Rejoice, I've been promoted to Mars. I'm a master of my own country! I'm a branch manager!"
Tortoiseshell Cat: "Wow, you're working in the Holy City, that's great!"
○○ "No, I'll be developing the 14th section, which is hundreds of miles away!"
Tortoiseshell Cat - "You know, you know, I was sent away. In Soviet terms, they sent me to Siberia.
○○ "See, they say that if you live in a city, you become the capital, right?"
Tortoiseshell cat "Will you become the capital? Only to fall in the capital?
2023-12-12 11:31:54 +0000