kiwiつじむざん (奇異舞辻無慘)



皆が同じ考えであれば争いは起こらず、人類は皆幸せに生きられる この世から悲しみも怒りもなくなり、感情もなくなる 人間は皆同じだ、みんなは...永遠に幸せになります...

As long as everyone thinks the same, there will be no conflicts, and all human beings can live a happy life. There will be no sadness and anger in this world, and people will no longer have any emotions. All human beings are the same. , everyone will... be happy forever...

#食滅之刃#hand-drawn#惡搞#No鬼滅の刃#kiwiつじむざん#奇異舞辻無慘#蔬鬼#Demon King

2023-12-09 19:00:59 +0000