It's been around two and a half years since I started drawing Helena, and if we pretend a certain image didn't exist, then the first thing I did for her was a rainy day piece with an umbrella and vague hydrangea shapes in the back
At the time I wasn't exactly planning on drawing her more than that, but I guess it did end up spiralling further than that. Won't get into the reasons behind it all here, but I guess at the end of the day, it's indirectly thanks to her that I was able to really find enjoyment in art. I think there was actually a decent chance I quit drawing, since that was a period of time when I had sorta lost the motivation for some months.
This piece is just a redraw of that first sorta thing, since I figured I'd probably do better now than before. At some point I was thinking about making this a fake skin post, but I didn't really like it enough to bother..
I've admittedly been drawing somewhat less lately, but it's not a lack of desire to draw this time. Energy has just been diminished due to work I think, and it's harder to make the time to draw like before. I really hope I can do a bit better next year. And there won't be any more digital art posts this year, since I'll be traveling without my own computer. At most we might get some trad pencil sketching ..
So this might be the last post of the year. As usual, thanks for the support, it's always good to see people enjoy what I make. WIshing the best for everyone's holidays, and let's keep on moving forward
2023-12-09 13:32:18 +0000