Jack and the Beanstalk

Pink Plush 100

Here’s my version of Jack and the Beanstalk :3

As seen here, Jackie is seen climbing down a beanstalk with a bag filled with gold that she stole from the giant.

Some Jack and the Beanstalk HCs I wanna point out:
-Unlike the original story which features Jack as the main character, this time, it features Jackie Spriggins!
-She’s the younger sister of Jack Spriggins, who’s 17 years old and is dubbed the “Giant Slayer”, due to how he defeats giants with his magic powers with no failure, which was inherited by his deceased father, who was also a Giant Slayer who passed his legacy onto his son
-Due to inheriting her father’s magic, she also uses spells, but they only work “40% of the time”, which causes her to be jealous of her older brother, hence why they argue and tease each other so often
-Energetic, Tomboyish, and Short-tempered
-Her favorite food is Buttery Garlic Green Beans
-A sly trickster and prankster, much to her family’s annoyance, especially from her older brother Jack


ジャックと豆の木の HC について指摘したいと思います:
- ジャックが主人公の原作とは異なり、今回はジャッキー・スプリギンズが登場します!
- 彼女はジャック・スプリギンズの妹で、17歳で、同じくジャイアント・スレイヤーだった亡き父譲りの魔法の力で巨人を失敗なく倒すことから「ジャイアント・スレイヤー」の異名を持つ。 彼は自分の遺産を息子に引き継いだ
- 父親の魔法を受け継いだため、彼女は呪文も使いますが、それが「40%」しか効かないため、彼女は兄に嫉妬しており、それが原因で頻繁に口論したりからかったりします。
- 元気でおてんば、短気
- 彼女の好きな食べ物はバターガーリックインゲンです
- 狡猾なトリックスターでいたずら好きで、家族、特に兄のジャックを困らせている


2023-11-30 15:03:30 +0000