
神蘭崎 蒼
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玲奈 「さて今回は、稀美さんが白い襟無しコートを披露します。」
リンダ 「冬の衣装の披露が始まったってことだな。このノーカラーコートはスッキリしてていいね。」
玲奈 「稀美さんに似合ってるよね。」
奏多 「黒い薄手のネックセーターと相性抜群ね。」
リンダ 「ところで、ここだけの話稀美さんって年齢はいくつになんだっけ。」
奏多 「あら、リンダがそういう事聞くのって珍しいわね。大学卒業して妙華学園の総部部で仕事を始めたのが、確か私が高1の時だったと記憶してるけど。」
リンダ 「働き出して今5年目ってことだな。じゃあ、短期大学なら少なくとも25歳、4年なら27歳、6年なら29歳以上ってことだな。」
奏多 「もともとは医者を目指していたぐらい学力優秀だったらしいけど、断念してこの学園に戻って働くこともできる様に管理栄養士の資格を取ったって聞いたことがあるわ。確か4年大学に行ったはずだけど。」
玲奈 「稀美さんのお父さんって、確か医務室の山崎先生だよね。」
リンダ 「えー!山崎先生って、あの医務室のじいちゃん先生だよね。あの人実は稀美さんのお父さんだったの?」
奏多 「えっ?知らなかったの?」
玲奈 「医務室のお世話には良くなってたのにね。」
Collarless coat (Maremi Yamazaki)(Today's subject: Coat)
Rena - "Well, this time Maremi will be showing off her white collarless coat."
Linda - "I guess that means she's starting to show off her winter wardrobe. I like how sleek and clean this collarless coat is."
Rena - "It looks good on Maremi."
Kanata - "It looks great with the black light neck sweater."
Linda "By the way, just between you and me, how old is Maremi?"
Kanata: "Oh, it's unusual for Linda to ask that. I remember when she graduated from college and started working in the general department of Myouka Gakuen when I was in my first year of high school.”
Linda - "That means she's been working for five years now. Then she must be at least 25 years old for junior college, 27 years old for 4-year college, and 29 years old or older for 6-year college."
Kanata "I heard that she originally wanted to become a doctor, but she gave up and became a certified dietitian so that she could return to this school and work. I believe she went to a four-year college."
Rena - "Maremi-san's father is Dr. Yamazaki, who is in the medical office, isn't he?"
Linda - "Yes! Dr. Yamazaki is the old man in the medical office, right? Was he actually Maremi's father?”
Kanata - "What? You didn't know?"
Rena - "Even though you used to take good care of him in the medical office."
I've uploaded the character in this costume to VRoidHUB, so please take a look there as well. The items used are also listed there.
I've uploaded a short video I made with varkshorts to twitter. Please take a look at it as well.

#山崎稀美#ノーカラーコート#long hair#glasses#中間管理職#older girl#メイド長#妙華学園メイド課#神蘭崎蒼#coat

2023-11-27 11:48:48 +0000