Snowy age chart


Royal butts age chart, because I needed to do one for him too!

- As a baby. He was so tiny he could fit into the palm of your hand.

- As a child. Out of the 290 extravagant gifts he received for his 10th birthday he got his first crown (not the solid gold one yet). He felt even more superior and banned everyone from having any cake so he could eat it all himself ✨

- As a teen. He stopped going to school because he was too good to breathe the same air as everyone else. His mum got him an oxygen tank so he could still go to the shops to buy solid gold toilet 🚽

- As a adult. Royal butt was shopping at his favorite unrealistically expensive store with his best friend Betty. He found the perfect silk top and most glamourous accessories to wear, making him feel just that little bit more special than everyone else 👑.

Haha XD

Please just ignore the slightly different shade of white on the final picture BtW ^^; the white has nothing to do with his age. Only the ear colour, nose colour and yellow eyes are relevant to his adult form.

Enjoy :D


2023-11-10 23:17:41 +0000