SteamPunkIcon KiraMinecraftLogo

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The Icon for @kira_todorova MinecraftServer & Music for said Server I made for her, I'm pretty happy about it and it teach me how to do things like that which is every cool and usefull, i might try to draw more stuff in that style but i guess we just gotta see, it a bit like my old styleanyways first picture is the new one, second the old one

#Minecraft #MinecraftServer #MinecraftServerIcon #Icon #Music #MusicIcon #DigitalArt #DigitalDesign #Design #GraphicDesign #GameArt #Gear #SteamPunk #SteamPunkIcon #SteamPunkLogo #Logo #LogoDesign #RostColors #WarmColors #MetalColors


2023-11-04 11:02:21 +0000