Stahp right there!


This good dog is in the run to chase and catch the fleeing criminal on run like the German shepherd's ancestor herding livestocks before the breed becomes a service dog, a hundred and decades years ago. Maybe one day, these zoophile lusty huskies Kero the wolf, Hypnotist sapho, Woof, Tim win, Toggle the rat (From Zooier than thou podcast) and other zoophile exposed will get arrest if thier latest beastiality went mishap sliped into the cracks into the cop's radar, there be prison where Snake thing at. (When there be hope n future) The dog dosen't like sexual animal abusers nor any animal abuse.
!(My) Opinion Alert!
Don't ask me because Zootopia has the answer. A cause i love the disney film Zootopia, not because furry cop but it the decent writing with tackling racism problem representing as anthro animals and Specism.(Bit of spolier alert here) The big problem is the twist villain where theres lack of build up, not fleshed out on her character and easily forgetable but i like the idea of corrupt Specist officals who abuse the power of athority and police force.
I'm aware of Anti-cop movement, controvseries, negligance and stupidity, over-militarise and Copaganda stuff including if you live in dictatorship countries like Belarus, Russia, Saudi Arabia, China, Turkmenistan and more and have to advoid unfair arrest by corruption. Beside from negative aspect, they can be used for good to keep civilians safe from dangerous crime, tooking action against convicted criminals, stopping illegal smugging such as terrorist bombs, addictive life ruining drugs, snuff contents, human-trafficking and more. Abolishing them means your country is vulnreable to high crime rate as Central America especially Honduras, but the real problem that need fixing police system itself.
I've previously mention about the K-9 mondioring on my artwork called HUNTED! of hunting dogs caught thier prey to represent of what thier bred for. It gave me the idea for next artwork until i made this.


2023-10-23 20:26:52 +0000