
神蘭崎 蒼
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玲奈 「さて今回は、優さんが学園祭用のミイラ衣装を披露します。」
リンダ 「今回は、全部暗い画像だな。」 
玲奈 「学園祭での出し物が「お化け屋敷」なので暗くなっています。今年は、優さんが在籍中に属していた数学研究部から応援依頼があったようです。今年から文化部は学園祭での貢献度が生徒会に評価される様になったので、心霊研究会に合同開催を持ちかけられたらしいよ。」 
リンダ 「もしかして、優さんって武道系の部活じゃなくて文系だったの? しかも「数学研究会」って超マイナー!」
玲奈 「そうですよ。聞いてなかったですか? しかも優さんが属してた時、日本数学オリンピックにも参加したことあるんですよ。」
リンダ  「そのオリンピックって体力もいるのか?」
奏多 「そんな訳ないじゃない!純粋に数学力を競うコンテストよ!」
リンダ  「知らなかった。格闘だけでなくそんな特技もあったなんて・・・。」
奏多 「まあ、優さんは学校の成績はそこそこだったって聞いたけど、特殊分野での能力が半端無いわね。リンダも一度数学で挑戦してみたら、多分そっちは格闘と違っていつでも勝負に応えてくれると思うわよ。」
リンダ 「バ・・・バカ言うなよ、数学なんて最もわきゃわからん科目なのに!」
奏多・玲奈 「そう言うと思ったよ。」
Mummy (Yu Himesaki)(Today's topic: Bandages)
Rena - "Now this time, Yu will show you her mummy costume for the school festival."
Linda - "This time, all the images are dark." 
Rena - "They are dark because her presentation at the school festival is a "haunted house". This year, the math research club that Yu belonged to while she was a member of the school asked her to support them. This year, the cultural clubs are being evaluated by the student council for their contribution to the school festival,so apparently the psychic research club was approached to jointly host the event." 
Linda - "Could it be that Yu-san is not in the martial arts club, but in the liberal arts? And "math research club" is super minor!"
Rena - "That's right. Didn't you hear? Besides, when Yu belonged to it, she even participated in the Japan Math Olympiad."
Linda - "Does that Olympiad involve physical strength?"
Kanata - "Of course not! It's a purely mathematical contest!
Linda - "I didn't know that. I didn't know she had such skills as well as fighting..."
Kanata - "Well, I heard that Yu's grades were so-so in school, but she's not half bad in her special field. Linda, you should try once in math, maybe that one, unlike fighting, will always be up to the challenge."
Linda - "Don’t...don't be silly, math is the most obscure subject!"
Kanata and Rena - "I knew you would say that."
I've uploaded the character in this costume to VRoidHUB, so please take a look there as well. The items used are also listed there.
I've uploaded a short video I made with varkshorts to twitter. Please take a look at it as well.

#姫咲優#mummy#bob cut#glasses#最強#万能#black hair#妙華学園メイド課#神蘭崎蒼#bandage

2023-10-19 10:32:32 +0000