Caroline's lost bet (REMAKE)

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Caroline made a stupid bet during a roleplaying session and as she was low on money, she had to pay the price in another way... In the end, it seems to have awakened some hidden feelings within her.

CONTEXT: About 5 years ago (22 september 2018) I decided to make my first haircut/headshave "art" project (available here: illust/70823775) It's... not very well made, but a lot of people seemed to like it, so as an anniversary thing I decided to remake the whole thing, mainly to see how I have improved in terms of drawing. For even more context this was part of an actual roleplay type thing I made with a couple friends over Discord. The dude's name is Kai and I believe u/7669048 created him.

Here's to (at least) five more years. THANK YOU all for sticking with me through my journey! I couldn't be more grateful, you guys are the main reason I've decided to stick with drawing even when I've just wanted to quit. Hug

#headshave#tonsure#buzz cut#hair fetish#hair clipper#剃刀#skinhead#Marubozu#buzz cut#very long hair

2023-10-08 11:47:11 +0000