Christmas with Luci (2021)

Kitla Valkyrie

Thema invited several associates to enjoy a Christmas Dinner this year.
She almost immediately regretted this decision when she realized how loud they all were.

~ Kertie is the boy up front sharing some of his dinner with his favorite big sis ~

~ Kitla is happily accepting the offering of food from her little friend ~

~ Brielle is passively stroking the soft feathers beside her ~

~ Mushy is serving the food he prepared in the kitchen ~

~ Zymolxis is enjoying some wine as he compliments the hostess on her lively party ~

~ Thema is already starting to get annoyed by how noisy and obnoxious her guests are being ~

~ Marmite is enjoying the lovely dinner that was provided ~

~ Mason is having a bit of fun teasing his friend ~

~ Luci is too busy enjoying his cookie to be bothered by the teasing ~

~ Reed is happily serving his mother's guests the food he helped to prepare ~

~ Maki and Mun are on the shelf, getting themselves into trouble ~

Original Art by: and commissioned by: user/14047930


2023-09-18 18:46:05 +0000