Punishment Ward Gallery Openning


The Maximum Security Prison of Alizthea is the end of the line in regards to where citizens who have broken the law can be sent to. Thus the prison like many others has its own punishment ward, in here inmates who have broken the rules of the prison are sent for varying degrees of time.

Inmates must understand that the punishment ward is not a vacation from their hard labor at the mines and thus they must learn to regret their actions when they are here. Depending on their infraction is the length of time that they will spend in the punishment ward. At the moment of their arrival, they need to exchange their orange clothes for a pair of pink scrubs. They will spend 23 hours of each day on their punishment cell and the 1 hour of relief is to have some physical activity outside while on heavy restraints. Then only a 10-minute shower is allowed every 3 days.

Their cell has a bed (optional), a toilet, and a sink. The cell's typical size is 6 ft x 8 ft in their dimensions and it usually has a small window to let sunlight in, since we found out that the lack of sunlight could negatively impact the mental health of the inmates.

The punishment administered will depend on the chief guard of the cell block in which they reside. There are certain parameters to follow regarding the punishment since we cannot have an inmate that has a mental breakdown and does not want to work afterward. That would cause the loss of a valuable essence user that is part of the labor force.

Maximum Security Prison of Alizthea: Rules and Regulations

Pixiv crew this is a gallery opening only in my Devianart account if you want to check it out you will need to subscribe to my tier which is $1 a month. Right now there is nothing but next week I will be adding the set of Trisha's first week in the P ward.



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