para el día 29 de Auguspace el día de hoy le toca a tesoro
y para este día decidí dibujar a el moshlings Alien caracol First Officer Ooze quién unos meses antes de que su nave aterrizara en music island se encontró con un misterioso cofre del tesoro puesto por algún pirata espacial sin embargo no sabe cómo abrirlo 🌌👽 (por cierto como no encontré muchas imágenes sobre el planeta Symphonia decidí usar un poco mi imaginación y me lo imagine algo colorido y musical).
for the 29th of Auguspace, today is the turn of treasure
and for this day I decided to draw the moshlings Alien snail First Officer Ooze who a few months before his ship landed on music island found a mysterious treasure chest placed by some space pirate however he doesn't know how to open it 🌌👽 (by the way Since I didn't find many images about the planet Symphonia I decided to use my imagination a bit and I imagined something colorful and musical)..
2023-08-30 06:53:50 +0000