リリカルなのはOC: カナデ サンダーフォースフォーム

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Anime: Lyrical Nanoha OC (Lyrical Nanoha CrossoverS)
Character: Kanade Ikazuchimou (Thunder Force form)
Made by: Roy Entendez

Paint dot net of the new Lyrical Nanoha original character: Kanade Ikazuchimou in her Thunder Force form as the temporally upgrade form using the Thunder Force spell card. Kanade gains a form that is stronger than her Telsa Piercer and is usually her last form before her final form: Zeus Force form. Often, this form is usually more powerful iteration of her Voltage Piercer based form or Tesla Piercer, she obtained this form after Mamodo Symphogear Fake Tsubasa's demise and defeated by Kanade. Mamodo Tsubasa's Symphogear Relic would be later taken by Kanade, but the Symphogear Relic turned into a spell car and later used to become as Thunder Force.

#Lyrical Nanoha#girl#Kanade#magical girl#中間フォーム#Kanade Amo#electricity#雷光#Thunder Force#bellybutton

2023-08-21 14:57:07 +0000