Wilago (Rozika's Father)


Wilago Strongarm (“Big Chief Willie”, or Wilago Vyrtalv. “Big Chief Willie” translates as Dralmyr Wili)
Race: Dorghin (Goblin) male, CG
Class: Barbarian
Age: Middle-aged
Appearance: Wilago is a Dorghin of hefty build, with a weathered and battle-worn physique. He stands slightly taller than the average Dorghin, exuding an aura of strength and authority. His green skin is marked with scars and tattoos, symbolizing his status as the tribe's leader. He has a thick, dark black mane of hair with the top balding, and a magnificent beard. Despite his paunch, he carries a prominent, muscular build.
Personality: Wilago is a powerful and commanding figure, known as Big Chief Willie among his tribe. He has a fierce and relentless nature, often displaying the ferocity of a true barbarian in battle. As the leader of the “Fury fang” (Valkr’val) Dorghin tribe, he holds a position of authority and demands respect from his subjects. He is vexed by the antics of his daughter, Princess Rozika, finding her mischievous behavior exasperating. The loss of his favorite wife, Rozika's mother Lilla, weighs heavily on his heart, and he grieves her absence deeply.
Skills and Abilities: As a barbarian, Wilago favors wielding a polearm, utilizing his immense strength to deliver devastating blows to his opponents. He possesses exceptional combat skills and is known for his endurance and resilience in battle. His leadership qualities have garnered him the respect and loyalty of the Dorghin tribe, as he guides them through challenging times.
Relationships: Wilago has many wives and is the father to numerous children within the tribe. He takes on the responsibility of leading and protecting his people, and while he may be exasperated by his daughter Rozika's behavior, he still cares for her deeply.


2023-07-29 22:23:10 +0000