Alizthea Lore - Beastoid Race


The Beastoid race consists of a population of Alizthean's that have developed secondary characteristics on par with different beasts in the world. The most predominant characteristic is usually the ears since instead of being parallel to the face they are on top of the head.

It is still a debate to this day why did evolution and essence allowed this particular morphological change to occur, but we can debate the same on the Elvenoids, Heavenoids, and Demonoids. Was it an adaptation to allow improve survival in some way? We have determined that the ears are a particularly sensorial organ on almost every Beastoid and they improved hearing and sometimes can even start to sense changes in patterns in the weather.

Before the Alizthea Accords were signed the Beastoid race was predominantly nomadic and tended to be on the aggressive side against each other and other communities. They tended to be hired as mercenaries in many conflicts in the past at least from what little records we have left. After the records were signed and most armed conflict put to a halt there was a drastic cultural shift on the Beastoid race. They could no longer depend on pillage and stealing from other towns. This caused them to become more Settlers and started to develop cities on the Beastoid Plains as it was the terrain designated to them according to the accords.

It is also good to add that as essence users, they could even increase the number of physical characteristics upon activation of their essences. There are some legends indicating that some of their powerful ancestors could completely become beasts if they were powerful enough in their essences.

The Book of Races

Eurydice 550 A.A

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