Day 26: Trenthvos


Kaijune 2023 - Day 26: Pressure
Kinda curious if the more aquatically inclined of you can pinpoint what specific animals I used as inspo
Here's a link to the prompt list if you want to follow along. [illust/108305583]
Found near the ocean floor, the Threnvos is an adept trawling kaiju. Unknown whether or not this kaiju is an individual or not, as it hasn't been seen since, and past data has proved inconclusive, it nonetheless proved to be quite an interesting kaiju. Though docile towards the research drone who found it, the Threnvos has shown possibly aggressive behavior.
It uses the whiskers on its mouthparts to search for organisms underground, and once it detects their movement, it uses its multiple tongues to grab and swallow the entire area the organisms lived in, later spitting the silt out in a large bolus-like ball. It's even been seen consuming entire whale falls, though interestingly, if not enough organisms are consuming the whale, it seems that Threnvos can't detect it, it passing over a fresh (whatever measure of 'fresh' a dead whale can be) whale fall that had no organisms eating it.


2023-06-26 21:08:22 +0000