

Full Name - Meq'tu
Alias(s) – At Canal
Date of Birth - Endall12-11-788 CR
Eyes - Green
Hair – Black
Height – 5'10''(77 cm)
Weight - 141 lbs (63 kg)
Race - Huema
Sex - Male
Nationality - Isalmian
Occupation – Z'mon
Interests - ???
Hobby (s) – Logas

Meq'tu's family descends from a line of occultists from the northern kingdom of Isalme. His line became seers and sorcerers to the King before the kingdom was conquered and his family fled far north into Eegen. It would be here that Meq'tu's parents came under employ of Betamoth's ruler and shared their practices with the Ariem preists.

Trained in all manner of meditations, mental projection and harmonizing with laylines, Meq'tu's training to become a summoner, if not avatar, for greater spirits. The theft of the Origin Glyph was necessary for Meq'tu's role in giving Emperor Sharazad the power necessary to contend with the Penumbran kingdom. It was in part Meq'tu's bringing forth of Betachaladb that drew Viennri Manalodia and their fated encounter.

Meq'tu stays to himself and within his own mind, his life only being that of preparation for harnessing levels of abyss and possession beyond most mortal means. What can be assumed a hobby is an activity to strengthen his mind, but he has come to realize his mental and physical fortitude is declining day by day. Such power was not meant for one man.
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2023-06-19 00:58:01 +0000