A Little Visit To ‘My’ Worlds


My HEADSPACE is a culmination of myself and the “worlds” in it

Each world has its own story.

But all of them came from me and me alone.

My experiences.

My memories.

My desires.

And much more.

The stories I create.

The stories I want to tell.

I want to tell THEIR story.

And the more time I spend with them, the stronger my desire to tell grows.


I am still using that mask

Because by the end of the day, I am NOT part of that world. I was just pretending.

But its okay

Because seeing them , seeing their stories…

Is Enough For Me Who Is Their Creator

And they are my little child, the ANGEL In it

(Oh, don't tell them about my little spies, the slimes. They are the one who look at the 'hidden' story)


2023-06-16 12:22:41 +0000