
神蘭崎 蒼
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玲奈 「今回は、稀美さんが水玉ドレスを披露します。」
リンダ 「ああ、以前奏多が披露したワンピースの色違いだね。」
玲奈 「そう、よく覚えてるね。色は茶系で、ノースリーブになっています。」
リンダ 「9枚目の満月をバックにしたショットなんだか意味深の表情だな。」
玲奈 「そうね、何を意味しているのかしら。もしかして過去の苦い経験?」
リンダ 「例えば、彼氏から別れ話を切り出されたとか? 」
玲奈 「この表情は確かにそうかも。満月の夜に別れ話って、なんかきつすぎる。」
リンダ 「そういう、厳しい経験が人間の分厚さを作ってるんだよ。きっと。」
奏多 (本当は、彼氏が転勤になった時の事を想像をして撮っただけのショットなんだけどね。しかもその彼氏自身が想像だし。)(心の声)
Polka dot dress (brown)(Maremi Yamazaki)

Rena - "This time, Maremi is showing a polka dot dress."
Linda - "Oh, it's a different color from the dress Kanata showed before."
  Reference: illust/97473723
Rena - "Yes, you remember it well. The color is brown and it's sleeveless."
Linda - "The ninth shot with the full moon in the background, she looks kind of meaningful."
Rena - "Yes, I wonder what it means. Maybe a bitter experience in the past?"
Linda - "For example, did her boyfriend break up with her? "
Rena - "This look is certainly true. Talking about a breakup on a night with a full moon is too harsh."
Linda - "That kind of tough experience makes us thicker. I'm sure."
Kanata (Actually, I just took this shot imagining what would happen when her boyfriend gets transferred. And that boyfriend himself is her imagination.) (Voice of the Mind)
I've uploaded the character in this costume to VRoidHUB, so please take a look there as well. The items used are also listed there.
I've uploaded a short video I made with varkshorts to twitter. Please take a look at it as well.

#山崎稀美#polka dots#glasses#long hair#中間管理職#older girl#メイド長#妙華学園メイド課#神蘭崎蒼#VrmPosingDesktop

2023-05-19 11:33:53 +0000