Moroha, Best girl

Niev Ruekk

Although Rion was my favourite character, there is no denying that Kagome and Inuyasha's plucky, brash, full of herself yet lovable scamp of a daughter got an immediate fave from me. What's not to love about this delightful little rascal? I wrote several fics focusing on Moroha as a precocious 3 year old being raised in modern times with, of course, the twins as her cousins (they're 'midnight twins'; Towa was born before midnight, and Setsuna just after, so technically on different days), Mei as a baby as her other cousin, Sesshoumaru and Sota as her uncles, Rin and Moe as her aunts, Rion as her best friend and both parents doing all they can to love their growing daughter. She is quite a scoundrel, but never goes TOO far. Well, not often!


2023-05-06 00:17:34 +0000