Esp: Es Pascua, y era algo que Bugs Bunny odiaba, porque desde su ultimo encuentro con el Conejo de Pascua anterior, este no se ha podido arreglar su problema...hasta ahora, cuando se encontro con un soqu-nuevo candidato, un conejo amarillo con pantuflas rosadas de conejito y pasa y resulta que no solo es un fan de la Pascua pero tambien un enorme fanatico de Bugs Bunny! Asi que este conejo decide hacerle este conejito amarillo un favor y este le pidio si podria ser el conejo de pascua de este año y el sin pensarlo 2 veces acepto! Digo, que es lo peor que podia pasar?
Hey, felices pascuas, espero que se la hayan pasado bien, yo si; ademas de eso no se me ocurrio que hacer este año, asi que mejor subir un dibujo el cual no subi el año pasado, bueno, disfruten!
Por sierto, si, lo se, el brazo de Bugs se ve raro, no era mi intencion, oops
Eng: It's Easter, and it was something that Bugs Bunny hated, because since his last meeting with the previous Easter Bunny, he has not been able to fix his problem... until now, when he met a new sucker candidate, a bunny yellow with pink bunny slippers and walks by and it turns out that he is not only a fan of Easter but also a huge fan of Bugs Bunny! So this rabbit decides to do this yellow bunny a favor and he asked him if he could be this year's Easter bunny and without thinking twice he accepted! I mean, what's the worst that could happen?
Hey, happy Easter, I hope you had a good time, I do; besides that, it didn't occur to me what to do this year, so I better upload a drawing which I didn't upload last year, well, enjoy!
By the way, yes, i know, Bugs arm looks weird, it wasn't my intention, oops
Bugs Bunny - Leon Schlesinger, Hugh Harman, Rudolf Ising, Ben Hardaway, Cal Dalton, Charles Thorson & Warner Bros/Looney Tunes
Cuddles - Aubrey Ankrum, Rhode Montijo, Kenn Navarro & Mondo Media/Happy Tree Friends
Dibujo/Drawing - YO/ME
2023-04-10 06:42:48 +0000