Angel N Unicorn ( Magical March)


This drawing is Super smash bros ultimate

Angel - This Terry Bogard use angel bear He's transforming into the angel Arctic polar bear He is the Brave and legend and he is very strong and legacy He can punch using punch knuckles And he is the truly the destiny Delta.

Unicorn - This Joker use Unicorn stone And he is transforming into called the unicorn Ultra He is the one legacy unicorn and he is the He is strong and brave and he is the A Star Buster gun to use To zap and shoot He is the unicorn ultra And he is the one brave and he is the Phantom thieves on Delta destiny.

#Magicalmarch#PERSONA5#FATALFURY#TerryBogard#Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

2023-03-09 23:02:15 +0000