R-18 variants here: illust/105702539
It's tough being a fan of Nintendo's sci-fi franchises. They just don't care. Their latest example of not caring? Messing up re-releasing a re-release.
2002's Metroid Prime for the GameCube was monumental. A first-person homage to 1994's Super Metroid on the SNES, a masterpiece that's tied for the spot of my all-time favourite game, Metroid Prime was worth the wait. It would be improved with new features and re-released with its two sequels as the Metroid Prime Trilogy on the Wii, a sought-after anthology that brought new controls to the two GameCube titles. But with a small print run and Nintendo's trademark artificial scarcity, it was hard to get your hands on.
Luckily, the digital re-release of the Metroid Prime Trilogy on the Wii U's eShop was inexpensive, so those who missed the Wii version were really in luck. A digital re-release on the Wii U of a compilation for the Wii that re-released three games, two of which originally came out on the GameCube. Now all we needed was a Switch port, and they couldn't mess that up, right?
Available now on the Switch eShop, for more than the price of the Wii U eShop's Metroid Prime Trilogy is... some kind of "remaster" of the first game. Not the entire Trilogy. Not the Trilogy and its spin-offs (Hunters, Pinball...) ONLY the first game. Ridiculous.
"B-But Helix, it's Remastered, with new graphics and controls and--" And it has one-third of the Wii disc's content at more than double the price of the Wii U digital release. Unacceptable. But should I expect any better from a company who won't let us access our digital library of classic titles that we built up in the last generation (rebuying what we bought in the previous generation, which we physically owned in the generations prior), even though we log into the Switch with the same accounts we used to buy our glorified "Virtual Console" ROMs on the 3DS and Wii U?
These shysters think that ROMs from four decades ago are something worthy of a paid service rather than the products which we've bought ad nauseum over the years. It's no wonder they can't even re-release a Wii game properly. They simply don't care, and "It's Okay When Nintendo Does It!"
I was looking forward to buying the Metroid Prime Collection Remastered for my Switch; one last purchase on that obsolete platform. My Switch has pretty much been all but replaced by my Steam Deck at this point, and on that note, emulation on the Deck is in a pretty great state.
See you next mission.
Character model by 73lac7c, Plasticmind and Roy12.
Costumes pieces by amusing Calico, Foolboy, and KG2.
Environment by ante korama and Laird Destro.
Creatures by Uncle Bob and Youth.
Nintendo props by hkay and Milkies.
2023-02-25 10:29:52 +0000