The girl who read my mind.

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Taurus Wulf and Martha Millenia, both are my OC's.

Martha is somewhat reserved and introverted and doesn't like people much because she can read their minds and anyone's true intentions, until she came across a certain happy-go-lucky guy that is.
You can tell I like these two with the work I put into the illustrations.

機械翻訳: マーサはやや控えめで内向的で、人の心や人の本音を読むことができるため、人があまり好きではありません。
この 2 人に対する私の愛は、イラストに込められた仕事で明らかです。

#Manga#furry#original#nonhuman/girl#beauty and the beast#theriantrope#furry#girl#furry#nonhuman/human

2023-02-21 20:08:58 +0000