Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2032 Fana

Dynacron Spice

Las Knight Sabers de las siempre célebres OVAs anime de culto Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2032. Me hubiera gustado hacer una variante con las del reboot pero me desgasté con este solo por ahora.
The Knight Sabers from the always memorable cult anime OVAs BubblegumCrisis Tokyo 2032. Would have loved to make a variant with the designs from the reboot buy I got exhausted making this one alone for now.

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#Bubblegum Crisis#Priss#Sylia Stingray#ネネ・ロマノーヴァ#リンナ・ヤマザキ#cyberpunk#battlesuit#body suit

2023-02-12 01:55:21 +0000