Yagami Yuuko is the secondary character of the Digimon Adventure anime, who pay too little attention in my opinion. The name Yuuko means abundance/wealth. The series does not say how old she is, but according to indirect signs, it can be assumed that 28-30yo. Like all Japanese woman, she looks too youthful for her age. Her home clothing is a striped white-blue top and gray shorts. She puts on the same clothes to the outdoors, preferring not to bother with the change of wardrobe. Yuuko’s movements are free, сonfident, which indicates its good physical form and youth of the body.
Yuuko is Taichi’s older friend and tries to encourage his hobbies, such as playing football. Yuuko also shows interest in a Taichi's digimon - Agumon. On the art, you can see how she first shows to a discouraged little monster how to put on sports shorts before the match.
2023-02-10 10:51:52 +0000