Neuro-sama 2

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Neuro-sama是最近流行的AI Vtuber。
她的人物模型目前是借用了 Live 2D sample 桃瀬ひより 。

Neuro-sama is the recently trending AI Vtuber.
Her current character model used the Live 2D sample Hiyori Momose.
However, I found ‘the draft of the upcoming new model of Neuro-sama’ in their Discord group, time for some preemptive fan art.

[免費特別篇] 製作過程可以在Pixiv Fanbox見到。
[FREE special] The timelapse videos are available in Pixiv Fanbox for free.

#Neuro-sama#neuro-sama#AI#Twitch#loli#girl#VTuber#popsicle#virtual YouTuber#Neuro-sama

2023-01-20 13:36:22 +0000