Elisa's return

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Universe : Oproniis
Location : Torturor Island - Fake Street
Characters : Elisa, Torturor



Elisa thought she managed to escape the island, and she was getting a "normal" life. She was walking and consulting her horoscope on her phone : "Today you'll be greeted by an old friend...".

ELISA : Stupid... I have no friend...

She passed by a white parked in the street when she was ambushed. Torturor, himself, grabbed her throat and showed her a syringe.

TORTUROR : Hello, my dear. This will sedate you for a few hours and avoid every kind of... icy trouble. You don't need your powers anyway !

Her gagged and blindfolded her before throwing her into the van. She was cuffed and powerless. As Torturor drove her back to the base, she understood that she never really has been free. All her "free" life was fake and she never escaped Tortoror's grasp.

She was then strapped to a bed, she was wondering how much time had passed since she was recaptured and how much time she had left before the beginning of a new experiment.

TORTUROR : I cheer for us, Cold Queen, you'll be back in action soon enough ! We may have "fire slaves" problems soon...


2022-12-07 06:10:09 +0000