Topographic map - Milky dream


I am not 100% sure I needed this one as a reference, but had really good time making,plus it looks pretty, so worth it!

So the island from south to north is 16km wide. From west to east it's 26km long.

Each fine lined square is 8km by 8km, that's about 2h of travel time by foot.

You need 7h to traverse it the long way, and 2, 3 or 4 hours the wide way, depending at wich point.

It's actually roughly the size of the easter island!

Also some parts are quite rocky and tall, there is a lot of cliff and the coast have only about three beach, the rest is rocks, so travel can be difficult. That's why everyone (almost) lives together near the main settlement. Meadows are found around it as seen in the previously uploaded biomes map.

Hope you like it and have a nice day~


2022-11-23 19:29:42 +0000