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※I recommend that you touch the picture to see it in better quality!!※

※사진을 터치하시면 더 좋은 화질로 보실 수 있습니당!!※

(The English of this article includes a translator.)

Pictures are uploaded every Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday!!

그림은 매주 수요일, 토요일, 일요일에 업로드 됩니당!!


Do you have dolls at home at the time? Especially dolls that look like people. Such dolls are said to be liked by ghosts and spirits!!

혹시 집에 인형이 있나용? 특히 사람을 닮은 인형들 말이에용. 그런 인형들은 귀신이나 영혼들이 좋아한대용!!


2022-11-20 14:13:45 +0000