リリカルなのはOC 風のヒーロー・カイル

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Anime: Lyrical Nanoha OC (Lyrical Nanoha CrossoverS)
Character: Kyle (Hero of Winds)
Made by: Roy Entendez

Paint dot net of the Lyrical Nanoha version of Kyle, the hero of the winds, and he's the original character specifically for Lyrical Nanoha CrossoverS. He's roles as one of the Runeagers along with Juros, Kasumi, Clive, Iris and Adel (known as Musou Sentai Runeager), as the Green Ranger which is the fourth in leader of the team.

#original#Lyrical Nanoha#boy#kyle#magical boy#Brave Frontier#wind

2022-11-02 14:58:00 +0000