

Three demons, Wrath, Passion, Solitude. Consuming itself, melancholic and powerless, Passion.
Passion is to be seen soon in the second part of my webcomic: Milky Dream!

So passion is maybe the weirdest and lest straightforward of the three demons. Passion is as the feeling you feel for this special but unreachable someone. It's like being a child again and crying for our favorite toy. It's a strong feeling of powerlessness. It clings to you like a strangulating snake. It's shape and color resemble the parts and fluids of making love. And it's burning, it hurts bad, and it is its own fuel.

Pretty creepy one maybe, but I love the design, quite fond of the few ideas it goes with.
Have a nice one~


2022-10-18 16:26:23 +0000