The Northern Regions have always remained largely neutral, with individual citizens choosing to work for various sides in the Holy Wars. The population is rather sparse, and it has a reputation of sheltering eccentrics.
The insectile Stonogans are not just long-lived in the way phantasmal descendants like the kitsune or elves are, they're borderline immortal. While not necessarily sturdy, an absolutely obscene amount of violence is needed to put one down for good unless you want to see them simply regenerate any damage done to them without being worse for wear.
Ophia's Skill, Mana Furnace, normally burns down its owners life force to generate additional magic power. Except, Ophia's life force is practically limitless. Thus, she developed Star Magic as a way of funneling pure magic power into spells without converting it an elemental energy form first.
2022-10-07 23:11:18 +0000