ドルフロrkgkまとめ ③

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Doodles that I drew recently / 最近描いたらくがきまとめです

1: Little Carcano M91/38 staring at the viewer with a mischievous look / いたずらする気でこっちを見つめてるちっちゃいカルカノM91/38
2: UMP45 and STAR-15 waiting in line at the barber with their reading material of choice in preparation for the sequel / 自分で用意した読み物を持ってドルフロ2の準備のために床屋で並んで待機してるUMP45とSTAR-15
3: [REQUEST] SPAS-12 confessing her love for the Commander with an half-eaten onion ring / 食べかけのオニオンリングで指揮官に告白するSPAS-12
4: [REQUEST] Vepr and AK-74M having a tug of war over the Commander / 指揮官をめぐって綱引きをしているVeprとAK-74M
5: [REQUEST] WA2000 trying to penetrate the hole of the Commander's corpse with a long and hard object to fill him with her filthy liquids / 長くて硬いもので指揮官の死体の穴に汚い液体を打ち込もうとしているWA2000
6-8: STAR-15 driving around in her Sopdana from Healing / HealingのSopdanaとSTAR−15
9: Architect and IWS2000 rampaging in the Fairy Chamber / 妖精の部屋で暴れ回っているアーキテクトとIWS2000

#Girls' Frontline#Girls Frontline#Girls' Frontline#UMP45 (Girls' Frontline)#Carcano M91/38 (Girls' Frontline)#STAR-15 (Girls' Frontline)#Architect (Girls' Frontline)#SPAS-12 (Girls' Frontline)#WA2000 (Girls' Frontline)#IWS2000 (Girls' Frontline)

2022-08-08 19:40:43 +0000